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Water sports?

A day at the beach

Lifeguards: +31 251 – 37 43 45
At an emergency: 112

Reddingsbrigade Wijk aan Zee

Reddingsbrigade Wijk aan Zee was founded in 1925 to prevent and combat drowning in the broadest sense of the word. Now, almost 100 years later, we are still here for that very purpose.

During the summer months, we are active on the beach for lifeguard duties, but that’s certainly not all. We are ready to provide assistance 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. We also train (new) lifeguards year-round. Want to read more?


Help us saving lives?

A large part of the work that our lifeguards do is done on a voluntary basis. With the support of donors, we can help even more effectively!