Correspondence address

Reddingsbrigade Wijk aan Zee
Zeestraat 371
NL-1949AH Wijk aan Zee
The Netherlands

Our lifeguard stations

Phone number: +31251 – 37 43 45
In case of emergency: 112

Southern station (head lifeguard station)

Beach entrance de Zwaanstraat

Strand Zuiderbad 85
NL-1949 BZ Wijk aan Zee

(Note: No correspondence address)

Lifeguard station opened:

  • Between May 15 and September 15: Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • 8-week summer holiday: every day from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Northern station (secondary lifeguard station)

Beach entrance Relweg

Strand Noorderbad 2b
NL-1949 EZ Wijk aan Zee

(Note: No correspondence address)



IBAN: NL45 RABO 0308 0625 15
In name of Wijk A/Z Reddingsbrigade

Chamber of Commerce

Reddingsbrigade Wijk aan Zee is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under KVK number 40594222.