As an organization, we are committed to safety and integrity during all activities. To ensure this, every member of the Wijk aan Zee Lifeguard Brigade possesses a Certificate of Conduct (VOG). A VOG is an official document confirming that there are no objections to an individual fulfilling roles within the brigade.
In addition, we adhere to a code of conduct that applies to all members. This code, adopted during the members’ meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024, helps create a safe and respectful environment for everyone. The complete code of conduct can be found below.
A board member, team member, or other official:
- Ensures a safe environment. Creates an environment and atmosphere in which social safety is guaranteed and experienced.
- Is service-oriented. Always acts in the best interest of the organization or other legal entity, focusing on the interests of the members and affiliates.
- Is transparent. Acts as transparently as possible, making it easy to be accountable and providing insight into actions and motives.
- Is trustworthy. Adheres to rules, including the statutes, regulations, and decisions of the (inter)national association, and agreements. Information is used for the purpose of the organization. Declares not to use confidential information for personal gain or for the benefit of others.
- Is diligent. Acts with respect and prioritizes equal treatment. Interests are weighed correctly. Is careful and sincere when mentioning experience and positions. Handles confidential information carefully and properly. Will substantiate board decisions well so that people understand the chosen direction.
- Prevents (the appearance of) conflicts of interest. Does not hold secondary functions that conflict, or may conflict, with their role, and does not engage in financial interests that may be in conflict with their function.
- Is a role model for others and refrains from behaviors and statements that bring lifeguard activities into disrepute, including when using social media. Acts courteously and respectfully, refrains from offensive and/or insulting remarks.
- Works intensively to ensure that all lifesavers, lifeguards, and supervisors are bound by the relevant rules, including the applicable disciplinary regulations of the Dutch Lifeguard Association and the anti-doping and sexual harassment regulations of the Institute for Sports Law (ISR). Lifesavers/lifeguards and supervisors must be bound by these rules for disciplinary actions to apply. Additionally, the board is responsible, together with members, the (technical) staff, and parents, for establishing behavioral guidelines for the organization.
- Takes (reports of) improper and/or inappropriate behavior seriously. Makes efforts to address integrity openly and continuously. Ensures a level of awareness in the organization regarding improper and/or inappropriate behavior. Encourages the reporting of undesirable behavior. Takes appropriate action against the violation of rules and norms by lifesavers/lifeguards, staff, supervisors, employees, supporters, and others.
- Strives to collaborate with individuals of integrity, including lifeguards, employees, officials, entrepreneurs, agents, suppliers, athletes, and others. Aims to create a situation in which the organization internally and externally works with people and organizations with unblemished conduct. Acts in accordance with the recruitment policy.
- Monitors compliance with rules and norms. Ensures adherence to regulations, house rules, this code of conduct, and other standards.
An instructor, trainer, coach, or supervisor (also known as the ‘technical staff’):
- Ensures a safe environment. Creates an atmosphere in which social safety is guaranteed and perceived as such, adhering to safety standards and requirements.
- Knows and follows rules and guidelines. Stays informed about relevant rules and regulations and applies them accordingly, while encouraging lifesavers and lifeguards to learn about them as well.
- Is careful and honest when mentioning experience and roles. Provides accurate and relevant information when appointed as an instructor, trainer, coach, or supervisor.
- Is aware of power imbalances and dependencies. Does not abuse their position to exert unreasonable or inappropriate power. Avoids any form of power abuse, emotional harm, physical misconduct, including sexual remarks, touch, or abuse. All sexual actions, contact, or relationships with minors are strictly prohibited.
- Respects the privacy of lifesavers and lifeguards. Does not intrude into their private lives more than necessary and treats their spaces (e.g., changing rooms, showers, hotel rooms) with respect.
- Does not violate anyone’s dignity. Refrains from discriminatory, belittling, or intimidating comments and actions. Does not discriminate based on religion, beliefs, political views, race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural background, age, or other characteristics. Ensures inclusivity and tolerance.
- Is a role model for others. Avoids actions and statements that could damage the reputation of lifeguard activities, including on social media. Behaves courteously and respectfully, avoiding harmful or offensive remarks.
- Does not accept favors, gifts, services, or compensation to do or refrain from actions that compromise the integrity of lifeguard activities. If offered something, they must report it to the board.
- Does not offer favors, gifts, services, or compensation to influence others to act against the integrity of lifeguard activities.
- Monitors compliance with rules and standards. Ensures adherence to regulations, house rules, the code of conduct, and other norms.
- Is open and alert to warning signs. Remains vigilant and responsive to any warning signals, reporting them promptly to the board, the trusted contact person, or the sports trust point.
- Is cautious. Does not disclose information that has not yet been made public.
- Does not consume alcohol while coaching or supervising youth teams and agrees with the youth teams* that alcohol is not to be consumed during sessions.
*A youth team is a team or group where at least one of the members has not yet reached the age of 18.
A member, lifesaver, and/or (senior) lifeguard:
- Is open: If asked to do something that goes against your own feelings, norms, and values, report it to the board or the sports confidential contact point.
- Shows respect: For the recreational user, people asking for help, your colleagues, teammates, assessors, trainers, and everyone else. Pay attention to your language and how you present yourself. Make everyone feel free to move comfortably.
- Respects agreements: Be on time, notify if you need to cancel, follow instructions, and adhere to the rules.
- Takes care of the environment: Don’t damage anything, respect others’ property, leave the changing rooms tidy, store materials properly, and dispose of trash in the bins.
- Keeps personal boundaries: Do not touch anyone against their will outside of normal lifesaving and sports activities.
- Adheres to the rules: Read and follow the regulations, house rules, this code of conduct, and all other agreements.
- Does not violate others’ dignity: Do not bully. Avoid discriminatory, demeaning, or intimidating remarks and behaviors. Do not exclude anyone and be tolerant.
- Is a role model for others: Refrains from behaviors or statements that would bring lifesaving activities into disrepute, including on social media. Behave courteously and respectfully, and avoid offensive or insulting remarks.
- Does not discriminate: Do not make distinctions based on religion, belief, political affiliation, race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural background, age, or other characteristics.
- Reports violations of this code of conduct: Report violations to the board and/or the Confidential Contact Person of the lifesaving organization or association. You can also reach out to the sports confidential contact point for questions and reports.
- Pays attention to responsible alcohol use: Do not drink alcohol during lifesaving activities. If drinking after an activity, do so in moderation.