One of the main tasks of Reddingsbrigade Wijk aan Zee is active beach surveillance. We have an extensive surveillance duty on and around the beach of Wijk aan Zee. Our surveillance area extends from the northern beach huts at the Noorderbad (and Heemskerk-Zuid beach) to the beach huts at the Zuiderbad (Velsen-Noord beach). In addition, we are deployed by the 1-1-2 emergency center and the coast guard center between the Heemskerk beach and the North Pier. In this, we work closely with KNRM Wijk aan Zee, Reddingsbrigade Heemskerk and Reddingsbrigade IJmiuiden.
We provide active supervision during the summer season. Between May 15 and September 15, we are present every weekend. During the 8 weeks of the Dutch summer vacation, we are open seven days a week. Our main station is the southern station and is located at the Zuiderbad (near the Zwaanstraat beach entrance). In case of good weather and/or high beach traffic, we can also utilize our auxiliary (nothern) station (near the Relweg beach entrance) located at the Noorderbad.
Our duties during beach surveillance:
- Prevention and supervision
- Providing assistance (performing rescues, administering first aid, and carrying out victim transport)
- Searching for missing persons
- Supporting and collaborating with other emergency services
- Providing information and advice
- Supervision at events with a local, sporting, and/or social character.
The surveillance is carried out by professional lifeguards. These are certified beach guards holding an internationally recognized lifeguard diploma. In addition to this basic diploma, many lifeguards also have specializations, such as training to become a driver (and driving with flashing lights and siren), skipper, or supervisor.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week available
In the summer, many incidents are handled by the beach team. However, incidents can also occur outside the opening hours of our beach stations. For this reason, we have an alarm team. This group of volunteers can be called upon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the 1-1-2 emergency center or the Coast Guard center. During such a call, we provide the same assistance as during the opening hours of the station: whether it’s in the middle of the night, on a rainy morning, or during Christmas dinner.
Additionally, we have a special rescue boat for the National Rescue Fleet: a nationwide deployable team that is used in large water emergencies and floods in the Netherlands.